Own a Community Franchise Focused on Making a Difference
It doesn’t take long to notice that Apex Leadership Company does things differently. Unlike many other franchising opportunities in the youth sports industry, we are a mission-driven company, and it shows in everything we do. For us, it’s not just about getting kids active or even about fundraising; it’s about making a difference in the lives of as many kids as possible. The ideal Apex franchise owner will be just as committed to turning their community franchise into a force for good as we are.

Community-Based Youth Empowerment
Every Apex franchise is owned and operated by pillars of the communities we serve. We think that the best way to make a difference in the lives of local kids is to trust franchise owners who know their area and its needs better than we ever could. At their best, our fun runs and other events are a way to rally the community around students, teachers, and schools. By working with locals, our community franchises can create the village it takes to raise a child.
Each of our local youth empowerment franchises partner with charities in their community to do as much good as possible. In general, these are organizations that provide kids and families with the resources they need to thrive. If you’re interested in learning more about the charities our community franchises partner with, you’re more than welcome to ask!

Giving Back Nationwide
While our leadership franchises are focused on being changemakers in their local area, the Apex team understands that we’re on a mission to help children in need who live in communities we may not yet serve. Each year, we participate in a non-profit giveback with trusted charities. For the current school year, we are partnering with Feeding America to provide up to 20 meals to those in need for each student that reaches $10/unit. In the past, we’ve also worked with No Kid Hungry.